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Number of the Week: Outbound Calling Down 49%

Outbound calling has fallen by 49% since 2004. The proportion of outbound calling activity in UK contact centres has dropped from 33.7% to 17.2%.
That’s another arresting research finding in Contact Babel‘s UK Contact Centres 2020 report.

So, is outbound calling inevitably doomed – or condemned to an increasingly low value and often non-compliant offshore future? Not necessarily.
But for proactive outbound contact to work you will need to make sure you have relevant, timely reasons to connect with the right people at the right time (and not necessarily just via the voice channel).

Far from impossible, but the days of “throwing mud at the wall and seeing what sticks” are long gone. Contact centres need to continue to raise their games.

#data #marketing #proposition #ominichannel #engagement #contactcentres

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